Helen Wu Li, a former Slemenda Scholar and third-year medical student, is spending this year as a Doris Duke Fellow in Kenya. Her research involves assessing the need for palliative care among surgical patients, but her experiences are also expanding her view of global health and the impact she can have in the future.
Read MoreBecause of your support and partnership, AMPATH is able to serve a population of 4.5 million Kenyans.
Read MoreAMPATH colleagues Laura Ruhl, MD, MPH, and Matt Turissini, MD, took very different paths to Kenya.
Along the way those paths converged to create a partnership that thrives on working to create an accessible health system in western Kenya while raising their young daughters to be global citizens.
Read MoreOn 12th December every year, the world marks the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) day. This year’s UHC day marks one year since the launch of the Government of Kenya’s Big Four Agenda that targets to achieve universal health coverage. UHC aims to make quality health accessible to all at a price affordable to them. Significant steps towards that goal have been made among county governments country-wide who have taken the initiative to launch their UHC plans.
Read MoreMore than one thousand trained AMPATH community health workers provide care and education throughout their own communities in western Kenya. Now this model is being used in two Indiana counties to improve infant mortality rates.
Read MoreLast month AMPATH took a big step toward a vision of making access to quality health care available for all. AMPATH teams started a pilot project going door-to-door in Turbo Sub-County, immediately northwest of Eldoret, to facilitate enrollment in an affordable national health insurance product to families, especially those with informal or no employment.
Read MoreJustus E. Ikemer is the project manager of Chama cha Mamatoto (mother-child groups). Justus loves working with mothers and seeing them benefit from various aspects of the Chamas program.
Read MoreSeven open heart surgeries were conducted last month at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH), representing the first successful open heart surgeries in Kenya conducted outside of Nairobi and Mombasa.
Read MoreAMPATH is working to improve the system for identifying and treating mental illness in Kenya. Jakob Simmank, a reporter from the German publication Zeit Online, recently travelled through western Kenya to report on efforts to address this challenge, including AMPATH’s work to remove the stigma of mental health through education.
Read MoreKyle Carpenter received a 2018 Fulbright Scholar Award to join AMPATH’s surgery team and develop western Kenya’s first registry of burn patients.
Read MoreA team from the Purdue University College of Pharmacy worked with AMPATH consortium members and MTRH staff to develop a wound compression kit that treats skin conditions and infections, particularly Kaposi Sarcoma, a debilitating infection often linked with HIV.
Read MoreIn the small town of Webuye near the Uganda border, you won’t find a doctor specializing in cancer. But thanks to a recent training by the AMPATH Oncology team, you will find community leaders empowered to do all they can to improve access to cancer screenings.
Read MoreJennifer grew up in the Nyelele community, a lush and rural area of Turbo sub-county. Growing up, she knew many women who died in childbirth, and the losses motivated her to become a community health volunteer.
Read MoreSalim Bakari and Brian Kwendo are rising young AMPATH researchers who are transforming HIV care using mobile technology. As AMPATH peer mentors and young pediatric researchers, they were inspired to develop a mobile app called HIVFactSheet for youth in sub-Saharan Africa after witnessing the need.
Read MoreSeveral AMPATH researchers presented at Kenya’s national conference on HIV and sexually transmitted infections
Read MoreThe top global academic journal on HIV published a special issue on NCDs and HIV care spotlighting AMPATH’s global contributions to care and research.
Read MoreAs one of the first graduates of AMPATH’s Nursing Oncology training program, Anne Jebet is passionate about exceptional patient care
Read MoreAarti Thakkar from Duke University and Helen Wu Li from Indiana University will be conducting global health research with AMPATH as Doris Duke International Clinical Research Fellows
Read MoreAMPATH recently welcomed two new members to the AMPATH consortium made up of North American universities and medical centers.
Read MoreQ&A with Dr. Jeremiah Laktabai, co-leader of AMPATH’s population health department and chair of family medicine at Moi University
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