Evelyn (Eve)) Too is a clinician and administrator of the AMPATH HIV Clinic at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH). She recently spent two weeks at Indiana University focused on learning more about the care of people living with HIV as they age and shared thoughts
Read MoreWhen Wilson started his career as a fisherman and fishmonger in Samia, a subcounty in Busia County, two decades ago, the area was notorious for ‘fish for sex’ transactions.
Read MoreThe pediatric HIV clinic at the AMPATH Centre at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) recently celebrated the impressive viral suppression rate of 98.6%, surpassing the UNAIDS target of 95%.
Read MoreAMPATH partners commemorated international World AIDS Day 2024 on December 1 with educational and health events throughout western Kenya and at the national event in Nairobi.
Read MoreElizabeth, a community health volunteer, used to travel on foot covering five to ten kilometers (3-6 miles) each day. A new Buffalo bike provided by USAID 4TheChild through ADT came as a big relief.
Read MoreCelebrating HIV-exposed infants (HEI) who reach two years without contracting the virus is a significant achievement in HIV care.
Read MoreAs part of its Quality Improvement (QI) initiatives, USAID Dumisha Afya organized a Best Practices Sharing and Learning Forum.
Read MoreAMPATH participated in a four-day HIV Service Delivery Integration Summit themed “Re-imagining the HIV Response in the Health Sector.”
Read MoreTrans Nzoia County marked a historic milestone by launching its first Emergency Medical Care Plan for 2023-2027.
Read MoreIn April, USAID AMPATH Uzima transitioned 85 adolescents from its Module Four pediatric clinic to the MTRH Rafiki Centre of Excellence in Adolescent Health.
Read MoreThe MTRH Rafiki Centre of Excellence in Adolescent Health continues to make strides in providing comprehensive and youth-friendly services for adolescents and young persons aged 14 to 24 in Eldoret, Kenya. The clinic organized an engaging, fun day for its clients at The Lobo Village in Eldoret in April.
Read MoreThe MTRH Rafiki Adolescent Centre of Excellence (RACE) clinic organized a delightful day out for its clients in Eldoret on Friday, November 24. The event unfolded as a perfect blend of enlightenment and enjoyment, featuring a career talk, Operation Triple Zero (OTZ) induction, and a medley of recreational activities for the participants.
Read MoreWorld AIDS Day, observed annually on 1st December, serves as a global initiative to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS. It is a day to unite in the fight against the pandemic, show support for those living positively with HIV, including their care givers, and commemorating those who have lost their lives to AIDS-related illnesses.
Read MoreUSAID AMPATH Uzima took a significant step forward in the objective to empower Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) by signing Memorandums of Understanding with key economic stakeholders to support business growth for OVC families.
Read MoreIn a powerful testament to relentless efforts in combatting HIV transmission from mother to child, the annual HIV-exposed Infants (HEI) Graduation Ceremony was hosted at both Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital and Kitale County Referral Hospital in September.
Read MoreIn the heart of Kisumu, Kenya, lives a young woman named Yvonne Ogolla who has always had a passion for helping her community. Yvonne grew up in an informal settlement in Kisumu City where poverty, lack of education and teenage pregnancy are prevalent.
Read MoreTo promote collaboration and unity among HIV national molecular laboratories, AMPATH Care Laboratory successfully hosted a laboratory stakeholder forum in June at AMPATH Training Institute in Eldoret which included stakeholders from labs throughout the Rift Valley, Western and Nyanza regions.
Read MoreEarly this month, USAID Dumisha Afya supported a two-day Quality Improvement (QI)-HIV best practice and learning forum in Busia in collaboration with the Department of Health and Sanitation.
The 28th of April 2023 was a big day for the USAID AMPATH Uzima family as its Pediatric Clinic celebrated and ushered 85 adolescents to the MTRH Rafiki Clinic as their new care home.
Read MoreAMPATH's care and research programs, including USAID AMPATH Uzima, USAID Dumisha Afya and USAID 4TheChild attended the Kenya Medical Association Scientific Conference in Mombasa County.
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