Two hundred and twenty young adults in need of cardiac surgery primarily due to damage from rheumatic heart disease will receive the life-saving surgery over the next two years through a new AMPATH collaboration.
Read MoreA team from Indiana University School of Medicine spent a week in March at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital holding a surgery teaching “camp” to begin the process of training the Kenyan team in ERCP* and other advanced and therapeutic endoscopy procedures.
Read MoreTwenty-year-old Monica had just begun college classes when she began feeling chest pain and shortness of breath while walking the short distance between her classes. In December, Monica underwent successful triple valve surgery to replace her severely damaged aortic and mitral valves as well as to repair her leaking tricuspid valve.
Read MoreAlthough Kenyan surgical registrar (resident) Dr. Beryl Munda often found herself completely lost in the Indianapolis campus hospitals, her AMPATH educational exchange experience convinced her she was in exactly the right place professionally.
Read MoreSIGN Fracture Care has selected MTRH as the first location for the new SIGN Spine program to address spine trauma in low- and middle-income countries.
Read MorePeople in western Kenya in need of heart valve replacements and other cardiac procedures will soon have increased access to the lifesaving surgery they need.
Read MoreThe AMPATH surgery team participated in a prototype showcase for the Global Surgical Training Challenge to demonstrate their progress in development of the AMPATH Surgical App (ASAP) to train clinicians who are expected to perform open appendectomies.
Read MoreAMPATH’s surgical team won a $200,000 Discovery Award last month from the Global Surgical Training Challenge to develop and test their proposed “AMPATH Surgical APp (ASAP).”
Read MoreDespite the increased challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic, the AMPATH hematology team recently coordinated a successful surgery with the orthopedic service for one of their patients with severe hemophilia.
Read MoreProfessor of pulmonary and critical care medicine at Duke University, Peter Kussin, MD, typically spends four months per year working with the AMPATH partnership in Eldoret, Kenya, caring for some of the sickest patients while training the next generation of Kenyan and North American physicians and doing research focused on strengthening care of non-communicable diseases.
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AMPATH ENT camps occur every February and are a time where North American otolaryngologists join their counterparts at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) to see patients in clinic and perform surgeries.
Read MoreHelen Wu Li, a former Slemenda Scholar and third-year medical student, is spending this year as a Doris Duke Fellow in Kenya. Her research involves assessing the need for palliative care among surgical patients, but her experiences are also expanding her view of global health and the impact she can have in the future.
Read MoreSeven open heart surgeries were conducted last month at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH), representing the first successful open heart surgeries in Kenya conducted outside of Nairobi and Mombasa.
Read MoreSixteen MTRH doctors participated in the first Advanced Trauma Life Support course offered in Eldoret Kenya for training on time-critical interventions in emergency situations.
Read MoreWith our first two weeks in Eldoret being devoted to learning more about AMPATH, the last four weeks thus far have been focused more on individual projects. During this time, I have had the opportunity to become more acquainted with AMPATH Surgery and work with surgery team lead Dr. Connie Keung on several different surgery-related projects.
Read MoreSurgery is an essential part of healthcare, yet many global health initiatives often overlook this aspect of healthcare. Five billion people lack access to basic surgical care around the world.
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