Two of the biggest challenges Kenyans face is too few healthcare professionals and no access to them. There are fewer than 200 radiologists in Kenya, and so many Kenyans don’t have access to transportation to Moi medical facilities in Eldoret. That’s why we’ve helped get creative with mobile trucks that travel to rural Kenyan villages to administer X-rays and critical radiology.

Since 2003, Purdue University College of Pharmacy (PUCOP) has been providing pharmaceutical care at AMPATH and Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital. Under the supervision of two full-time on-site faculty members, PUCOP student pharmacists and interns practice on the adult internal medicine inpatient wards, in which they answer pharmaceutical care questions, medical records, and medicine substitutions. The Pharmacy team has also partnered with public health facilities and communities through the Revolving Fund Pharmacy program, which sells quality drugs at affordable prices.

AMPATH brings together Moi University law professors and students, Indiana University law professors and students, and lawyers and judges both in Kenya and North America, all to fight for justice on behalf of Kenyan people. The Legal Aid Centre of Eldoret finds deserving clients through AMPATH medical and social staff referrals, and works to ensure each and every person gets the legal advocacy they need.