Becoming an Advocate for Screenings
Flora is a 53-year-old farmer from Nandi. Her local pastor spoke about the need for cancer screening, and so Flora had herself screened for cervical cancer at the MTRH facility in September 2016 despite having no symptoms. When the visual screening was positive, she was referred for a biopsy which confirmed she had cancer cells on her cervix. She was referred to the gynecology oncology unit where she was staged at 1B1 and counselled on the treatment plan.
Flora had surgery in October 2016 and was discharged home to wait for pathology results. The results showed there was a risk of metastasis due to one lymph node being positive. She was referred for adjuvant treatment of chemoradiation at another facility. Her treatment lasted from January-June, 2017, and included 28 courses of radiotherapy and six cycles of chemotherapy which ran concurrently. She had two subsequent courses of brachytherapy.
Flora had seen other patients choose to go for herbal treatment and opted to be the example for conventional medicine in her village. Doctors are there to help, so she put her hope in them and their practice.
Very few people had knowledge of her disease as it was a closely guarded secret. Flora’s diagnosis was hard on her and her family. The anxiety of her diagnosis led to high blood pressure, which is now controlled. She was also challenged by the brachytherapy and having to use a catheter after surgery. Her relationship with her husband was tested, the treatment was costly and there were times she found very difficult.
Despite all of this she tells everyone to get screened! She has taken it upon herself to speak at church and any local meeting. She has ensured her immediate family members have all been screened. Her sister was screened and was found to have pre-cancerous cells. She was treated and is now on follow-up. In total she has brought about 28 women for screening and is always looking out for more.
Today Flora is well and able to carry out her daily activities. She is very dedicated to keeping her follow-up appointments.
Flora’s advice for other women is that cancer does not kill if you get screened so that you are diagnosed early and follow the doctor’s treatment plan. One shouldn’t lose hope. For those who have not been screened, don’t wait for the signs in order to go for screening. Go get screened today. It is painless and free.
Special thanks to Hellen Muliro, gynecology oncology clinic coordinator, for helping us tell Flora’s story.