Nurses are the backbone of healthcare provision globally.
Kenyan nurses are exceptionally resourceful and well-trained. They are the primary providers of care in many clinics and hospitals. They are dedicated to improving the health and well-being of all Kenyans and often are faced with the challenges of high nurse to patient ratios, patient needs and mortality.
The AMPATH Nursing team is a collaboration between Kenyan nurses and nurses from the AMPATH Consortium to share knowledge, provide training, and support quality improvement efforts to advance nursing care in western Kenya. We aim to strengthen nurses globally by building capacity on practice (care), education and research.
Nursing education and research from our collaboration identify innovative methods to deliver optimal care and improve patient outcomes. Areas of focus have included: medication administration, physical assessment, wound care, asthma in children, maternal-newborn health, palliative care, seizure management, oncology, cardiology and cardiac surgery recovery. Quality improvement projects provide scholarly exchange opportunities for practicing nurses and students from Kenya and the AMPATH Consortium to learn nursing principles that span patient needs across the lifespan in diverse resource settings.
MTRH CNEs leading physical assessment simulations with bedside nurses in the simulation center.
AMPATH Global Nursing Conference
The inaugural AMPATH Global Nursing Scientific Conference in May 2024 connected and engaged nurse researchers, students, clinicians, and leaders from Kenya, Ghana, Mexico, Nepal and the United States around the theme of “Advancing The Role of Nurses in Global Health.”
AMPATH partners shared innovative practices and evidence-based strategies to improve patient care outcomes and collaborate on nursing education and research development.
Promotion of Nursing Collaboration: Facilitate the exchange of expertise and ideas amongst nurses from varied specialties.
Advancing Nursing Education and Practice: Showcase the latest advancements globally, enriching the foundation of nursing education and practices.
Strengthening Nursing Research: Provide opportunities for quality improvement/ research collaboration and share resources and expertise to address healthcare challenges, leading to improved patient outcomes.

Nurses have received training at the MTRH simulation center
Students from Kenya and the US participate in learning through a WhatsApp group
Nurses receiving neuro training

Moi University School of Nursing and Midwifery
Began as the Department of Nursing in the Faculty of Health Sciences in 1998 and in 2011 became the School of Nursing and Midwifery in the College of Health Sciences which also includes the Schools of Medicine, Public Health and Dentistry. Students learn together in theory and in the field during Community Based Education and Service (COBES) placement.
Offers the following programs:
Bachelor of Science in Nursing—geared towards producing a graduate nurse with critical thinking and analytical skills who approach issues with holistic global perspective and who integrate theory and practice in the assessment and provision of healthcare.
Bachelor of Science in Community Health Education—began in 2016 for refugees at the Daadab refugee camp who were expected to go back to Somalia and lead health activities in their country. The first cohort of Kenyan students was admitted in 2017 and two cohorts have graduated. The main objective of this program is health promotion and disease prevention at the community level through health education.
Master of Science in Nursing & Midwifery-Maternal and Neonatal Health—postgraduate program providing specialized maternal and neonatal care in line with the Millennium Development Goals 4 & 5 to reduce child mortality and improve maternal health.
Collaborations with Indiana University School of Nursing, University of Texas, University of Kansas Medical Centre, Linköping University in Sweden and other institutions.
Students are involved in a number of outreach activities shown by the photos below.
Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital
First hospital in western Kenya to employ clinical nurse educators (CNE) who play a vital role in supporting and educating bedside nurses. CNEs lead quality improvement projects throughout the hospital to improve patient outcomes. CNEs excel in their areas of nursing expertise and use their experience to provide continuing education to bedside nurses.
Home to the first nursing education and simulation center in Uasin Gishu County which provides simulation learning experiences for nearly 1,000 nurses employed at MTRH led by the CNEs.
Wound care group was initiated in 2021 at MTRH in collaboration with IU Health. The multidisciplinary approach in their management of wounds is a key strength for this team. Trained wound care nurses work in collaboration with doctors, physiotherapists and orthopedic technicians to ensure that they do not just treat “the hole in the person but rather focus on the whole person.”
Clinical research drives evidence-based practice and nurses in MTRH are highly engaged in nursing research as evidenced by the variety of conference presentations the nurses have participated in over the years.
To improve patient safety linked nurse sensitive patient outcomes, the clinical nurse educators and nursing consortium members collaboratively developed peer-reviewed Standard Operating Procedures on Medication Safety and High-Risk intravenous drugs. These protocols are currently in use across the hospital.
Indiana University Schoool of Nursing
Strategic goal for student education is to educate nurses to deliver, lead, innovate, and improve health care locally and globally.
Global or intercultural learning has become even more critical in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic and the school is expanding virtual student exchange model in more courses aimed to: reach the largest cohorts of students at one time and target every student longitudinally and seamlessly while increasing student intercultural exposure, knowledge and skills. The success of this global virtual exchange requires collaboration with schools of nursing across the world. This fulfils our university strategic priority to immerse every student in at least one international experience - using the sustainable development goals (SDGS) to frame topics of mutually beneficial interest and conversations.
The Nursing Honors Program at IUSON is designed to challenge motivated students interested in developing skills in knowledge generation, utilization, and dissemination. During 2021-2022, three undergraduate students from MUSN actively participated in this program alongside IUSON undergraduate students for four semesters. Together, they conducted a scoping review and presented two posters at the IUPUI Center for Research and Learning Division of Undergraduate Education. The presentations showcased the findings of the scoping review and their experiences with online intercultural learning.
University of Texas School of Nursing
New global virtual exchange development grant project began 2020 and provides an opportunity for perinatal nursing faculty at Moi University and UT Austin Schools of Nursing to trial virtual classroom exchange equipment and develop a project curriculum. The project is co-directed led by faculty at both schools.
More than 100 students at both universities engaged over “WhatsApp” on perinatal nursing topics.
Thirteen students from UT Austin visited Eldoret for two weeks in July 2023. The students were an interdisciplinary group from nursing, engineering, architecture, neuroscience, public heath and international relations. They formed four teams including one Moi University nursing student and each team worked on a wound care project. They also met leaders from nursing and medicine at Moi University and were able to attend wound care training with the nurses that work at MTRH. The project continues for an additional semester with two Moi nursing students visiting Texas for six weeks in the fall semester.
Scholarly Support and Publications
Grant funding and philanthropic support enables the care, training and research activities of the AMPATH nursing collaboration to thrive.
Together, nurses from each of the collaborating partners have published in academic journals and and presented research at international conferences.
To support the nursing collaboration, contact Dr. Jane von Gaduecker.